Monday, June 10, 2024

July program announcement .... Lace pillows + follow-up for icicle patterns/projects

Do you have one of these?   A roller pillow needing to have the roller re-done?  Do I keep the foam thingie?   Do I wrap with wool blanket.   Do I wrap with wool batting.   What should I do to get the roller in condition for use .....  sewing thread?  staple gun?  small nails?   glue?  

Our July program will be on make-overs and fix-er-ups for our
bobbin lace pillows.  Bought a second hand pillow?  Have a pillow that needs a little pick me up?   If you have one in the closet - needing repair, or you need another pair of hands to assist in repair, or could use some advice from one of our members -- who have already fixed or refurbished a pillow....   Bring it in July -- perhaps a repair can be made, or a suggestion offered!!

Bring scissors, fabric, tools, thread, glue, ribbon, what ever you think might be needed ; )

For members who missed an icicle program, there is time to catch up!   E-mail Carolyn re. pattern, kit, supplies needed.

Our July program will also include time to work on the beaded bobbin lace pattern and the beaded tatted icicle patterns.   Any comments and/or questions can be addressed.

Members please submit:   
Annual Dues July 2024-June 2025.
Volunteer hours to Dagmar each month. 

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