Friday, March 7, 2025

March Meeting announcement:

The Lafayette Lacemakers Chapter

will meet on
Saturday, March 8, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 12 noon.


638 North Street 

Lafayette, IN USA 47901


Please enter the building through the side door that faces the alley, and use the parking lot that's between the alley and 5th street.

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We will discuss the project for May.

Please bring show-n-tell and bring a project to work on.   Members are encouraged to share lace news, books, magazines, and ideas.

 Guests are always welcome. If you are interested in lace, 
or have met some of our members demonstrating in public, 
Please feel free to join us. 

 Beadable Lace Bobbin Project in progress:  Spangles kit "Ivy Leaves"

 Free shamrock pattern.   Link:

Top Photograph:  Pattern is " Bloomin' Clover "
c.2024 C.Regnier