Full details of Maggie's Community Lacemaking Project can be found here: https://www.maggiehenselbrown.com/community-lacemaking
She needs hundreds (if not thousands) of needle lace leaves as per the description on her website to create a work of art to be exhibited in Sydney Australia in May. Leaves must be received by March.This effort is also being supported by the IOLI in the form of a challenge. https://lacechallenge.internationalorganizationoflace.org/
Perhaps your group would like to assemble and learn how to make the needle lace leaves via videos and written instructions on Maggie's website. Every contributor will be listed and acknowledged in an effort to recognize lacemakers who have so often been anonymous.
Don't miss the Intermediate Tatting Class sessions via The Lace Museum Virtual Education.
St. Catherine, Patron Saint of Lacemakers.