Reminder: Membership dues
Annual Dues are $10.00.
Please contact
Membership Chair
with comments/questions
New members are welcome!
Lafayette Lacemakers, Inc., is open to people interested in any aspect of lace
and lacemaking. We extend our invitation to you to become better acquainted with lace.
Annual dues are
$10.00 per year
(July through June)
Lafayette Lacemakers provides support + resources for new lacemakers.
Becoming a member of the lace group
will not only put you in touch with other lace makers,
but keep you up-to-date on what is happening in the lace world.
Benefits of Membership
Upcoming Programs:
July: Lace-In. (Anything in progress, including Introduction to Estonian knitted lace (June program).
August: led by Bette. Holiday ornaments in any technique. Bring any patterns or finished ones.
September: No meeting or program. Lace demo / community event on Sept 8th, TBA.
October: Knitted Lace, led by Anne. (either more Estonian or Shetland)
November: Heart patterns in any technique. Bring finished ones and patterns.
December: No meeting - Holiday party
January: Lace-in (Heart patterns in any technique, anything in progress)
February: Knitted Lace (topic to be selected)
MEMBERS: Please bring more ideas for future meetings. Keep an eye on your email for further details.
Theme: Jewelry
Participants: Members of Lafayette Lacemakers
Technique: Open to any lacemaking technique
MEMBERS: Check you e-mail for additional guidelines.
Community Outreach:
July 7-8: Canal Days Festival (Delphi, IN)
July 15: Jasper Co Fair (Rensselaer, IN)
Sept 8: TBA
Oct 6-7: Feast of the Hunters' Moon (West Lafayette, IN)
© Rosemarie Peel January 2007
Link HERE to the tatted heart pattern (photograph above).