We mourn the passing on July 26th of B. Catherine (Cathy) Kozlowski
Cathy was a member of the Lafayette Lacers/Lacemakers for almost 25 years.
She was an active participant, holding several officer roles over the years, the last one as Secretary/Treasurer.
She was also a member of IOLI and served for 19 years as their librarian.
She traveled and availed herself of many workshops in different types of bobbin lacemaking. The piece above was completed after taking a workshop with Louise Colgan in Milanese. Cathy called this piece “Eve’s Snake”.
Cathy loved to demonstrate bobbin lace making as that is how she first found the group.
She saw the Lafayette Lacers demonstrating bobbin lace at the Feast of the Hunters’ Moon and sought us out.
The Feast Family sends our condolences.